Interconexiones, Yvonne Domenge. Solo exhibition at Palacio de Iturbide Fomento Cultural Citibanamex, Mexico City, Mexico
Solo exhibition at the Museo de Arte Abstracto Manuel Felgueréz, Zacatecas. Mexico.
Diploma of designation as Full Member of the Academy of Arts. Mexico City. Mexico.
Yvonne Domenge Tribute Exhibition. Solo exhibition as a tribute to the career of Yvonne Domenge in the 80th Anniversary of the National Polytechnic Institute. Mexico City. Mexico.
Member of the National System of Creators 2013-2016, FONCA-CONACULTA, Mexico City. Mexico
Phoenix Award and declaration of March 20 as "Yvonne Domenge Day", Atlanta, Georgia. USA.
Interconnected: The Sculptures of Yvonne Domenge,Galerías Boeing Norte y Sur, Millennium Park Chicago, Illinois. USA.
Winner of the Sorel Etrog Lifetime Achievement Award for Sculpture and Public Art, by the Vancouver International Sculpture Biennale 2009-2011, in recognition of her career. Vancouver. Canada.
Processes. Solo exhibition at the Centro Cultural del México Contemporáneo, Mexico City. Mexico.
Selected and awarded with the Lirio sculpture in the Olympic Landscape Sculpture Design Contest Beijing. China.
Medal awarded by the Academic Society of Arts, Sciences and Letters of Belgium. Belgium.
Yvonne Domenge, sculptor. Anthological Vision. Solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City. Mexico.
First place in Visual Arts in CNN's international contest "Visiones Convergentes". New York. USA.
Selected sculpture, Laberinto Katun, to be exhibited at the 4th International Sound Art Festival, Habitat Sónico. Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico City. Mexico.
The Full is the Empty. Solo exhibition at the Museo Universitario del Chopo-UNAM. Mexico City. Mexico.
Sun of the New Millennium at the Polytechnic. Exhibition at the National Library of Science and Technology of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City. Mexico.
Work selected by the National Society of Fine Arts of Paris for exhibition at the Carrousel of the Louvre Museum, Paris. France.
The Magic of the Sundial. Exhibition at the Museo de la Luz, Mexico City. Mexico.
Winner of the Toyamura Sculpture Biennial in Hokkaido, with her piece Microcosmos. Japan.
Festive Wind. Solo exhibition at the Torre de los Vientos, Villa Olímpica Sculpture Route. Mexico City.Mexico.
Euroscultura Acquisition Prize, Bardonecchia, with her piece Eros. Italy.
Award at the International Ice Art Competition, Fairbanks, Alaska. USA.
The volumes of Yvonne Domenge. Solo exhibition at the Museo del Carmen. Mexico City. Mexico.